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About Us?

Noa Gross
Clinical Psychotherapist, a Psychodrama & Art Therapist practitioner
and an NLP practitioner.
Has a special interest in working with children and adolescents,
providing parental guidance, people who are experiencing
gender issues (Youth and adults), people who have experienced
various challenges, including anxiety and grief, as well as providing
marriage counselling.
Gained practical experience working in private practice and schools
since 1999 working with adults, families, and children of all ages
(from age 5 y/o) from a variety of cultural and socio-economic backgrounds.
Led anger management workshops, teachers' seminars to overcome behaviour issues in classes.
Furthermore, she ran a private practice in which she facilitated session groups for children, adolescents, and adults, and had experience in the Mental Health sector.
Noa has also run experiential workshops worldwide that demonstrate how to use therapeutic projective cards.
Noa also provides professional supervision.
Furthermore, in the past, she had a 2-hour weekly counselling live program on J-Air Radio in Melbourne.
Noa has lived in NZ, Israel, and now lives in Melbourne.
A clinical Psychotherapist with the Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia PACFA
A member of Australian and Aotearoa New Zealand Psychodrama Association
A member of YAHAT.
A former member of the Psychotherapists Board of Aotearoa New Zealand PBANZ.
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