Online Counselling
What is online counselling?
Online counselling lets you use the internet to talk through anything that is
concerning you. Online counselling can take place live chat.
You may choose online counselling to complement face to face appointments,
or you may choose to talk through any issues online only.
We believe it is a very efficient and effective means of achieving and
maintaining therapeutic goals.
Reasons for using online service?
Some clients who lives in remote parts of the country and overseas wants to counsolt with someone who reflects familiar cultural values/ language along with others who wants to enjoy having good counselling without leaving your home, with others who take advantage of the time zone and the exchange rate.
Issues with online counselling
Online counselling and psychotherapy are relatively new innovations. As such, there are issues that are still being worked through at an industry level related to the provision of such services. Communicating online can lend itself to misunderstandings in the absence of many of the non-verbal cues available in traditional face-to-face counselling or therapy sessions. It is therefore important that both you and your online counsellor pay special attention to communicating clearly with each other.
It is important that you read and agree to our Online Counselling Agreement of Service before making payment and committing to the online service.
Please note this service is only available to persons over the age of 17 and payment is made in advance.
It is important to note if you are in crisis NOW (such as feeling suicidal) then online counselling is NOT a suitable source of help and assistance. Click HERE to direct you for Emergency support .
Connecting to Us
At the moment we use Zoom for our online counselling. Please make sure your internet is working properly, and your camera and sound (headphones will give you a better sound experience)
We will send you an invitation to join our virtual therapy room 30 MINUTES prior to the session.