Winter Blues - Scientifically Ways to Beat the Winter Blues
When your mood is falling as fast as the thermometer, these small lifestyle changes may help boost your spirits.
If you’re starting to feel like nothing but a very full, very strong pot of coffee will get you out of bed, join the club. Holiday bills are high, temperatures are low, and the days are way too short. Here, scientifically proven ways to lift your spirits and ease the mid-winter doldrums.
1. Make your environment brighter. When your body is craving more daylight,
sitting next to an artificial light—also called a light box—for 30 minutes per day
can be as effective as antidepressant medication. Opening blinds and curtains,
trimming back tree branches, and sitting closer to windows can also help provide
an extra dose of sunshine.
2. Eat smarter. Certain foods, like chocolate, can help to enhance your mood
and relieve anxiety. Other foods, like candy and carbohydrates provide temporary
feelings of euphoria, but could ultimately increase feelings of anxiety and depression.
3. Simulate dawn. People with Seasonal Effective Disorder (SAD), a form of depression that usually begins in late fall or early winter and fades as the weather improves, may feel depressed, irritable, lethargic, and have trouble waking up in the morning—especially when it’s still dark out. Studies show that a dawn simulator, a device that causes the lights in your bedroom to gradually brighten over a set period of time, can serve as an antidepressant and make it easier to get out of bed.
4. Exercise. A 2005 study from Harvard University suggests walking fast for about 35 minutes a day five times a week or 60 minutes a day three times a week improved symptoms of mild to moderate
depression. Exercising under bright lights may be even better for seasonal depression:
A preliminary study found that exercise under bright light improved general mental
health, social functioning, depressive symptoms, and vitality, while exercise in ordinary
light improved vitality only. Try these mood boosting workouts.
5. Turn on the tunes. In a 2013 study, researchers showed that listening to upbeat or
cheery music significantly improved participant’s mood in both the short and long term.
6. Plan a vacation. Longing for sunnier days at the beach? Research shows that the
simple act of planning a vacation causes a significant increase in overall happiness.
7. Help others. Ladling out soup at the local shelter or volunteering your time can improve mental health and life satisfaction.
8. Get outside. Talking yourself into taking a walk when the temperatures plummet isn’t easy, but the benefits are big: Spending time outside (even when it's chilly!) can improve focus, reduce symptoms of SAD, and lower stress levels.
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This is a guest post by Brigitt Hauck via RealSimle